Each category will have extensive information on each system, including good sources, sources that are frowned upon, prominent figures and its history.

Popular web-sites for chatting with others about typology.
& other subreddits
Cognitive/4 Letter Type
Jung, MBTI, function stack models, dichotomy, functions...
core type, wing, IV, Tritype/Trifix, triads...
placements, quadras, models, (Super-)Ego, (Super-)Id, functions...
Big Five
dichotomies, SLOAN, OCEAN, other models...
Psychosophy and Attiudinal Pysche
aspects, placements, subtypes, AP vs PY...
4 Temperaments
elements, humours, relation to DiSC, similiar theories, blends...

Have any questions, systems/souces to add, sources or information that are incorrect, or any other comments? Contact me on @ringobingostarr, or by email.

Made by Ringo and Sawako with blood, sweat and tears.